Blogher here I come!

BlogHer '07 I'mThis weekend Blogher 2007 hits Navy Pier and the Chicago Parent blog will be well represented. So far, I know that Meredith from A Mom's Life, Kim from Scrambled CAKE and myself will be there. If you're going, please leave a comment so we know to look for you. If you're too shy to leave a comment, here are the breakout sessionsI plan to attend. I do plan on being at each night's cocktail reception, but who knows for how long. I'm not staying at a conference hotel, but commuting from home:

Day One Schedule - Friday, July 27th, 2007

10:45-12:00: Breakout #1

Community: The Life Stages of Online Communities

Backup is Art of Life: Finding and Following Your Passion: A Room of Your Own session

1:30-2:45: Breakout #2

I'm not sold on any in this group right now, but I'm leaning towards - Identity: Our Bodies, Our Blogs

2:45-4:00: Breakout #3

Considering my growing work of reviewing I really do need to attend - Art of Life: The Art of Writing Reviews

4:30-5:45: Breakout #4

Obviously I'll be going to - Identity: The State of the Momosphere, sponsored by Five Moms

Day Two Schedule - Saturday, July 28th, 2007

10:30-11:45: Breakout #5

Considering that a good friend of mine, Jennifer Pozner, will be on the panel for Politics: Earn Our Votes: What Questions Do Women Bloggers Want Candidates to Answer in Election 2008? I have to be at it! Oh yeah, I'm also on the board of Women in Media & News, which Jenn is executive director of. :)
1:30-2:45: Breakout #6

Oh...Amy Sedaris....Art of Life: The Art of Crafts: A Room of Your Own session

But I'll most likely end up at - Politics: How to Write Great Political Coverage: From Breaking News to Op-Ed
And what I'm really looking forward to is seeing Elizabeth Edwards and hearing what she has to say about John.
Sunday is the Open Space or unConference part of the conference. I did pay $21 for my ticket, but I can't attend. So if anyone wants my ticket for the best offer, just leave me a comment.

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