Feminista Notes

I'm cuddled on the couch watching the Packers - Giants, helping the daughter learn how to spell colors, and trying to catch up with email & blogs. Here are some quick stories for your reading pleasure:

  • The NOW Foundation is launching an oral history project. I implore you, if you are a feminist who wouldn't be stopped at a convention with, "Hey, aren't you [fill in your name]?" but you have obviously done some kick ass feminist things, please submit your story. Super stars take too much of the limelight. So get your name or your friend's name in there. Cause we all know that sometimes our friends need a kick in the butt to accept the recognition they deserve. And believe me, I know that fact far too well.
  • NOW Executive Vice-President Olga Vives "visited the Etowah County Detention Center in Gadsden, Alabama, where Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is holding about 140 women on illegal immigration charges. Most come from Latin America, although there are some from Viet Nam, Cambodia and the Caribbean Islands." The anti-feminist movement would like to paint NOW and the entire feminist movement as sitting on our hands when it comes to international women's issues and immigration reform. Well, we're not. So suck it.
  • And for my Northern friends...the Canadian Feminist Blog Awards:

    Hosted by A Creative Revolution

    Nominations graciously accepted
    from January 25 to February 8
    First voting/elimination round: February 15 - 16
    Final Vote: February 22 - 23
    Winners announced February 24

    For more information, click here.

Oh yeah...it's also freaking cold here.

Technorati tags: NOW, National Organization for Women, feminism, ICE, immigration, Canada

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