Now *this* is power shopping

This month the Chicago Abortion Fund is the proud and honored Organization of the Month at Women & Children First.

What does this mean?

You print out the coupon to the left, bring it into the store, buy yourself a gift for surviving the holidays, and CAF gets 10% of your purchase.

BAM! Easy schmeezy way to support reproductive justice in Chicago.

If you're going to order books online, please put Chicago Abortion Fund in the memo part of the order form.
Now don't forget your coupon because you can't get these in the store.

Althou, I think I'll have some on hand for the upcoming program with Dr. Susan Wicklund!

Time: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:30 PM
Location: Women & Children First
Title of Event: Dr. Susan Wicklund - This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor

This Common Secret chronicles Dr. Susan Wicklund’s emotional, dramatic twenty-year career on the front lines of the abortion war. Since its legalization 35 years ago, many young Americans have never known a time when abortion wasn’t safe and accessible. Today, women’s advocates are concerned that we could lose that right over the next few years, through a stacked Supreme Court and eleventh-hour wrangling by the anti-choice Bush administration. This Common Secret reveals that for many women throughout America, the right to safe, legal abortion is already an impossibility. As we enter another era with a fevered political fight over abortion, this raw and powerful memoir shows us what is at stake. A representative from the Chicago Abortion Fund (our Organization of the Month) will also be on hand to talk about their work making safe abortion accessible to low-income women.

Read an essay by Dr. Wicklund at (but hey, don't buy it there just cause it's on sale! You want to give to CAF remember? And hey, get an autographed copy at W&CF.) to build up to the event!

I am keeping this post at the top so y'all remember to shop at WCF this month! :)
Technorati tags: abortion, feminist, books, Chicago Abortion Fund, Susan Wicklund

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