Workit, Veronica!

Work It Mom That's right my dear readers! I have my first piece up at Work It, Mom! WIM, is a newish online community for working moms. It's not just full-timers like me, but even working at home moms. *gasp* You didn't know that SAHM's work for pay too? I don't fault ya, the way the media talks, you'd think that all SAHMs are off at yoga, sipping mochas, and smiling as they wash dishes & set the dinner table.

It also looks like I'll be writing for them on a regular basis. At first every other month. I don't want to take on too much at the moment, especially since I have a few other things a brewing.

If you're a mom or not, why not check in with me at WIM?

Technorati tags: Work It, Mom!, writing, feminist

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