Def: Mommy Bloggers

Next month I'll be attending the WAM conference and speaking on a panel about blogging, feminism, and I'll add in mommy blogging to that list.

So my question for my small band of readers is this:

What comes to your mind when you think mommy blogger?

Be honest...use the anonymous comment feature if you must. But I think that mommy bloggers are fighting a huge stereotype. I know we're not a monolith, but with all 'groups' others see us as one.

So tell me, what do you think? If you were to meet a blogger and they said they were a mommy blogger would you check out their blog? What if they said they were a feminist blogger and dropped hints about their children? to enjoy Saturday before my daughter complains about me being on the computer too much!

Technorati tags: mommy bloggers, stereotypes, WAM

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