Dueling on YouTube

We all make up our minds in different ways. As I've said here and in person (to those of you lucky enough to hear my whining in person), my mind belongs to Hillary and my heart follows Barack. These videos show why:

If you don't want to watch the whole thing, skip to the end for "The Hillary Dance." America...ya know I love ya and I'll only do this dance for you, hermana!

And a nice mix on Obama's New Hampshire speech.

I keep going back to Hillary's quote in one of the debates about having to choose between sizzle and substance. Perhaps Hill's supporters aren't all YouTube'd, but is that really the way to choose who you're going to vote for? Gah...only a few more days.

Stay tuned readers, I moderated a conference call with the Clinton campaign yesterday. The write-up will be on the Chicago Moms Blog soon. We did invite ALL the candidates and Obama is still snubbing the bloggers. Well, at least us mommy bloggers. tsk...tsk...

Technorati tags: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, politics, Campaign 2008, YouTube

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