Feminism at its Finest February 2008

February's round up of the "best feminist posts" is out and I'm in it. More linky love for my write up of Dr. Susan Wicklund's visit to Chicago.

Now for any newbies reading (ahem, WMG) don't think that I'm all that hot or that my write-up was so popular that the carnies are all linking me.

Just head on over to the Blog Carnival site, search for a carnival that fits your post's theme and submit your post. Wa-la! It's not a guarantee that you'll get in, but most of the time I get in. Of course, the trick is to REMEMBER to submit to these carnivals so that you can increase your blog traffic.

For new readers visiting from FaiF, welcome. Stick around, comment, and come on back. Thanks for visiting.

Technorati tags: feminism, Feminism at its Finest, blog carnival

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