Happy Valentine's Day Texas!

I haven't checked my referrals that closely to know how many readers I have from Texas, but I want to send a quick VDay shout out to the Lone Star State. Congratulations on the recent ruling that legalizes your "personal massage" devices:

A federal appeals court has struck down a Texas law that makes it a crime to promote or sell sex toys.

"Whatever one might think or believe about the use of these devices," said an opinion written by Justice Thomas M. Reavley of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, "government interference with their personal and private use violates the Constitution."

Under Texas law it is illegal to sell, advertise, give or lend obscene devices, defined as a device used primarily for sexual stimulation. Anyone in possession of six or more sexual devices is considered to be promoting them.

In case you were a law abiding citizen and now need to stock up, I point you back to my post on Early To Bed's special holiday gift packages for you and your loved one or just you. The good part of being in this hyper-consumer society is that there's always a holiday to provide you with an excuse to buy yourself a treat. Buzz on, Texas...Buzz on.

Edited to add: While we celebrate, let's remember that we still have Mississippi to liberate.

Technorati tags: Valentine's Day, sex, Texas

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