Tomorrow's the day!

I have a confession...I'm actually a pretty shy person. Oh, sure, I can blog on and on, but that's because I don't have to look at you and when you laugh at my missing word, incorrect use of a comma, or at my entire point, I can't hear it. But when we're face to face, I clam up.

Of course, this isn't good for going to conferences, especially ones where you really should network and get to know new people. Hell, I have a growing list of people I need to at least meet and tell them in person how much I love their writing. I am such a fangirl of some bloggers that I know I'll get tongue tied many a time. The thought of getting into WAM! tomorrow around 1 and then leave on Sunday around the same time is mind blowing. Only 48 hours to try to meet some of the most awesome feminist bloggers and writers around? I need 48 hours just to pluck up the courage to say hi. Now my in person friends will tell stories of me walking right up to certain musicians and offering them a beer or two, but seriously that took me years to build up to.

Despite the fact that I've been blogging in some fashion since late 2000, I still feel like a newbie. Despite the fact that I get asked advice from real newbies, I still feel like I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

But I also know that I'm going to have a rocking time.

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