WAM! Friday recap

Good morning!

Yesterday was awesome and I don't feel like I did that much. It's too funny.

Speed Networking: I got there late because my flight was canceled and I got on another flight an hour later. I met a lot of awesome women, got some leads, gave some leads, and just had a great time.

Reception: More meeting of awesome women, getting some leads, and met another author who is considering blogging. She's coming to my panel (that's in an hour!) on feminist blogging to get some idea if she really should do it. Considering that more and more authors are jumping on this blogging bandwagon, I do hope she does. And of course, I'm more than happy to walk her thru it all. Authors are like drug dealers to me...They have access to books. Oh yeah...

The best thing thou was this beautiful woman came up to me and simply said, "I love what you write." and hands me her card. OH MY FUCKING GAWD....It's Echinde of the Snakes! I mean, hello? She likes my stuff? Yeah...I'm a total fangirl this weekend so I don't know how to handle any sort of compliment other than, "Thanks." haha!

Keynote: Helen Thomas rawked. She's seen it all and that's what I wanted to hear about. How she has seen the Presidency evolve since JFK, what she thinks of them (I haven't read her books), and what we can do to fight back against lying media crap. Some do think she was a bit divisive when she went off on why she will be voting for Hillary, the misogyny of the press on her, and how Obama gets softballs (until Tina Fey & SNL) from the press.

She told some awesome stories and I would had live blogged it but the place was packed and I was sitting on the stairs. With Jenny! The plan was to actually ditch Helen Thomas for Jenny, but she wanted to see her too, so we went together.

Jenny & I then grabbed some coffee and talked forever about being a mom, our cutie pie kids, and blogging. Thanks so much Jenny for driving out to see me.

I'm missing the Saturday morning keynote in favor of a huge bowl of oatmeal and a mint mocha.

I'm still on the hunt for some of my fave bloggers.

Technorati tags: WAM!, WAM! 2008

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