Women's History Month

I'm a bad feminist, especially considering that I hold two minors in women's studies, for not having blogged about Women's History Month yet. Let's just say that the first week of March has been so full of work related work that I can't believe that today is the 6th.

I was also at a professional development conference all day today and a mentoring program dinner tonight and I'm pooped! So forgive me my readers...and now that I have this baby on Feedburner, I know I really do have some readers now. Well at least on peep's RSS readers...Tonight I am sending you off to read what the fabu women of Womenstake have to say about Women's History Month. I promise, I'll write my own ode to this estrogen filled month soon. Well at least before April.

The Women Who Came Before Us

by the National Women’s Law Center Staff

March is Women’s History Month. To celebrate, the staff here at the National Women’s Law Center have been thinking about a few of the women who inspired us to become the people we are today.

Almost 110 years ago, Susan B. Anthony sent a letter asking for support for the cause of women’s suffrage. She wrote, “With these dollars, we can push the work still further ‘till all women inside the home, as well as outside, shall be free to do as their consciences dictate, rather than as custom demands.” Her tenacity, and those words, have inspired me for many years. — Marcia Greenberger, NWLC Co-President


Oh and I still have Boca Burgers to Give-a-way!

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