Council on Contemporary Families Conference

This Friday & Saturday is the Council on Contemporary Families annual conference at UIC. I'll be there both days soaking up the info. I'll also be helping out Deborah Siegel, aka Girl with Pen, with her blogging session on Saturday. If you're in Chicago, stop on by! The conference schedule is here as a PDF.

And yes, please send me strength in not acting like a total idiot in front of Stephanie Coontz, fabulous author of The Way We Never Were and many others. She also teaches at the college I really wanted to attend (sorry, UIC) but didn't have the money to attend. *sigh* Would it be tacky to wear my Evergreen t-shirt?

Oh and yes...I'll be a Twittering this conference as well as another attempt at live-blogging.

Technorati tags: Council on Contemporary Families, feminism, family

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