Statewide day of action: Stop funding abstinence-only-until-marriage sex ed

The Chicago Foundation for Women and the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health has declared today a day of action to stop funding abstinence-only-until-marriage sex ed. There are three things you can do today:

  1. Write a letter to the editor. Need help writing one? Here one resource on writing one:
    * NOW MCER Letter to the Media Guide - I wrote this one and while it is focused on mothers and caregivers issues, just insert comprehensive sex ed.
  2. Come to the rally downtown! Join Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health, Foundation representatives and other community activists for a demonstration downtown. Meet from 3:30-4 p.m. outside 28 E. Jackson Blvd. today, April 15. We'll march and regroup for a celebration afterward. View the flyer (PDF).
  3. Tell the Guv to stop taking money that is wasteful!
Now get going!

Technorati tags: feminism, action, Chicago, Illinois, sex education

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