Why I do this

I get asked a lot why I blog. I get asked this more often as I add more blogs to my blogging plate.

I blog because I have to. Do you know that guy who yells at the TV during baseball games? Or the woman who talks back to Oprah? Well, I do that to CNN. If taped, my watching the nightly news or Anderson Cooper would look like MST3K with the amount of mocking and heckling I do. Yes, you can pity my husband.

My minds does not stop. I am constantly thinking about this or that. Sometimes finding myself obsessing over a certain story. What clears my mind? Doing something like knitting or Sudoku. For reals. I have to do logic problems for me to stop thinking about how screwed up this country is that I had to attend a rally for sex ed today. Seriously? Sex ed? Come on...We shouldn't have to rally for that. Sex ed should be a freaking given and not treated as an opportunity to spew hate and lies into young people's minds.

This is therapy for me as I have an opinion on almost everything. I don't always think I'm right and most of the time I'm afraid that there isn't a right answer. I think I make up for all the people I meet who say, "I'm just not political." Um, yeah...whatever. See, I don't buy that excuse. When your tax bill comes or on Tax Day everyone is political.

I also am a feminist who does not wear a feminist lens. It was implanted. I cannot remove the lens nor turn off that part of my brain when I watch TV or a movie. Sure, I like a Judd Apatow movies, but I'm also slapping my wrist when I laugh at certain things.

I also love to read so blogging feeds that addiction. To be a good blogger you need to read others. To be a popular blogger you need to read & comment on other blogs and hopefully others will follow. I'm not so good on that last one. Thus my small readership.

About 2 years ago I started to get book review offers. OMFG...could blogging get any better? You want to GIVE me your book and all I need to do is write about it? Um, Thank you, may I have another? I'll write a better book review guideline post later.

At the end of the day, this is all fun. I love connecting with people of similar views, being challenged by the more radical feminists out there, and dong my part to spread the gospel. If I get paid, all the better! haha...Seriously thou, I also believe that blogging for 7 1/2 years was the best writing school I could have attended. As my writing gets better, I thank Blogger for being here and hosting me for all these years.

And lastly I thank you, the readers...most of whom don't comment, but I know you're here.

Technorati tags: blogging

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