Book Review - Slowpoke: One Nation, Oh My God!

Thanks to Jen Sorensen for sending me a review copy of her latest book, "Slowpoke: One Nation, Oh My God!" [WCF, Powells, Amazon] This is some of the funniest shit I have read in a long time and woo-wee did I need a good laugh!

First, I have to say that I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of the book once I started to sift through her archives and found that one of her characters, Lil Gus, looks just like GRod, the great governor of Illinois.

Lil Gus is in here as is Mr. Perkins and Drooly Julie & all her sexcapades. But what is funny is Jen's ability to not only skewer those of the political persuasion, but also our own activities in this crazy thing called life. From a "Field Guide to Magnetic Ribbons" to "Spectacle Semiotics," Jen has us all pegged...including herself. I can say that because unlike other comic books that I've seen and honestly, I haven't seen a whole lot, she gives you commentary on each comic. Thus you get the background on why in the world she'd want to joke about the evolution of eye wear.

So click on the links above to purchase the book from either a small feminist bookstore or giganto-Amazon. Get it for yourself or for a new graduate...With our economy, they'll need something to cheer them up as they look for a decent job.

Disclaimer: The only payment I received for this review was the review copy of the book.

Technorati tags: Slowpoke, Jen Sorensen, book review

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