New Feature! Baby Swag!

Spurred by the response from my Parenting, Inc. review post, I want to start a new feature here at Viva La Feminista. I'm not sure what to call it yet, so it will debut next week. BUT the focus will be highlighting one aspect of what one might consider a logical or realistic baby registry. One without too much of the frivolous items and if they are they, some real commentary not any of the BS you get from the box.

I'm not going to highlight items that I get pitched to me. This is about me giving my honest advice based on my own experience & observations and some from my friends. If you want to chime in, please leave a comment with your email addy so I can get in touch.

Despite all of the above, I'm not going to focus on bashing products. I won't highlight a certain DVD series and rant about them. I'm going to focus on things I think you really do need to put on that registry or throw in your shopping cart. It's not about being cheap or old skool either. I think every kid needs their first hipster t-shirt even if they're gonna just spit up on it in 10 minutes. It's gonna be about being honest. Thus, my small, but growing, army of readers, if you have questions, please do leave them too. Even if you're not gonna be preggers soon, chances are that you're gonna be attending a baby shower.

Stay tuned. I'm pretty psyched about this.

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