A voice from 1968 reminds us to unite

A beautifully written op-ed by Dick Simpson on why the Dems must unite this year. The stakes are too high.

As Illinois campaign manager for Eugene McCarthy, I was one of those committed to ending that war, eliminating racism and impeding the imperial presidency. I was also one of those who refused to vote for Humphrey in November.

As a result of withholding our votes, we got Richard Nixon as our president, and the war dragged on many more years to an inglorious conclusion. Sure, President Nixon did some good. For instance, he opened diplomatic relations with China. But he was also the first president to be driven from the White House -- for the crimes of Watergate. He permanently blemished the office. Perhaps worst of all, he undermined voter conference in our political system. It is a malady from which our nation still suffers

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