
And I survived!
I did it!
THIRTY-TWO days of commenting!
160 comments left!
32 comments back!

Here is my last edition of NCLM:
1) Claire gets me all misty about graduation as well as wondering where my former peeps are today. Most of 'em I know and thanks to knowing Huffy & being on Facebook, I've caught up with a few more. Don't be shy!
2) Hijas Americanas tempts me with jewelry
3) Profound Sarcasm is tracking Alex Trebek's D-bag status.
4)Jenny knows how to celebrate the big 4-0!
5) Lastly, Stirrup Queens, mama of NCLM, is having her blogoversary today!

OH...and Queen of Spain is having a Twitter wake! Don't miss it.

Comment back: the working mommy gourmet - my bestest mommy friend and a woman who puts me to shame in the kitchen. I have no idea how she cooks so much with TWO kids!

Whew! thanks to all the new readers, I hope you stick around! I know I found a few new ones.

I learned a lot during this month. For one, I normally do leave a lot of comments. The second, I love getting them! So keep 'em up peeps! :)

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