NCLM - George Carlin Edition

I didn't listen to him very much, but when I did I loved it. And in respect of his passing I give you his rant on abortion:

NCLM Comments for today (2 from yesterday & 5 from today)
1) The Juggle at WSJ puts the opt-out myth to fucking bed. Can we please move on to a new topic, please?
2) RadDad at mamazine is amazing, as usual
3) Shine's right, Michelle Obama is fine just the way she is!
4) Shakes shows us fashion that literally left me speechless.
5) i am a butterfly feels for the brick baby mama...I got it all wrong before I read the post.
6) Shakes ponders casting for the Hobbit.
7) A great idea for the daughter over at Shine

Comment back:
Saturday: Baby, Borneo or Bust
Sunday: no comments, no comment back :(
Monday: Go Jackets entered the Writing Motherhood give-a-way. Tuesday is the last day!

Lastly, don't forget about Work it, Mom! Monday! Today I muse over the top three GOP women and whether or not they might be a good Veep.

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