New Feature - What to Buy Wednesdays

Well, that's what I'll call it unless I come up with a snazzier name...which is as likely as my backyard gate getting a real latch before springtime 2009. So come Wednesday I'll post a short diddy about what I recommend to pregnant women, new moms, moms in general, and those who are buying for any of the women above.

If you are a marketer and want to pitch me your product, go right ahead! You can leave a comment, find me on Facebook, twitter me, or send me an email to Note, replace myfirstname with, well, my first name. Hint, it's veronica. If you send me an email to my work addy, I'll just delete it...unless it's a wii with MLB 2008. But my line is that I do honest reviews and if I decide your product isn't worth the buy, I will say that. In my very gentle way of course. to focus on getting my new Dell in working order. Long story...still without a conclusion.

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