What to Buy Wednesday - Maternity Clothes

Maternity clothes.

Some women loathe the time when it's time to admit that those jeans just ain't gonna button. I gotta tell ya that maternity clothes have gotten so cute that I often find myself in the middle of the Target maternity wear section without thinking. Or rather thinking "Oh...cute shirt dress! What size...oh...maternity!"

Thus buying maternity clothes for your preggers BFF or partner is a tricky thing. I highly suggest gift cards...but NOT to maternity specialty stores like Motherhood Maternity.

When I was growing up, the MM was at the start of the mall. I passed it for 15 years and my mom use to note that "when you're married & get pregnant, I'll take you here." Instead she was living in North Carolina and we hit the mega-MM at the mall. She bought a few hundred dollars of clothes for me because she knew (ironically) that she wouldn't be able to buy me more clothes for a while AND she knew oh so well, that I'd wait until the last minute to buy nice clothes for work. So why do I suggest not shopping there.

Because of their return policy. You can't return the clothes. I get that it is a specialty store and I'm sure people abuse return policies. But seriously, when I'm 3 months pregnant and I'm shopping for my whale days aka 8-9 months pregnant, I'm totally guessing on how big I'm going to be or I might guess wrong on what the weather will be.

Rather stick to department stores where if you do see that "must-have" shirt for yourself or your friend, you can return it if you have buyers remorse.

Althou, I do have to say that Motherhood Maternity and other specialty stores do have some really nice nursing bras.

Technorati tags: What to Buy Wednesday, motherhood, parenthood, gift

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