What to Buy Wednesday – Nipples & Pacifiers

Now that title should get me some real traffic from the search engines! haha...

Seriously, I can't tell you which nipple, bottle, or pacifier to buy for your lil one. I say that because I really feel that each baby has its own preference. To illustrate this, let me tell you a story...

Five years ago I was home on maternity leave and poking at my belly. "Hurry up baby! We're wasting precious maternity leave time!" At the same time I was tidying up, getting all the bottles set, onesies washed, etc. The bottles were all cute Winnie the Pooh bottles. While I knew I was going to breast feed, I also knew that the new Papa was going to do bottle duty.

What I didn't plan on was that missy was going to be picky about her bottle nipple AND her pacifier. I think that we went thru at least 3-4 different bottles before landing on the Avent nipple. Which let me tell ya really sucked because I had bought the Medela breast pump. If you don't know, the breast pumps FIT the bottles perfectly. Yes, so I'd pump into one bottle, dump into a Advent and then store in the freezer. UGH!

The moral of the story? Don't buy too many bottles at once cause your kid might not like the cute one or the "perfect" bottle. And yes, it's hard to know which pump to get before the kid tells you which bottle they prefer. Just guess...you'll do that a lot as a mom. Get good at it. ;-)

Technorati tags: What to Buy Wednesday, motherhood, parenthood, gift

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