WMC Progressive Women's Voices Day One part 2

I'm exhausted...mostly mentally. I also feel incredibly lame for being in my hotel room in NYC watching "Swingtown."

Today we worked on messaging. How to create our message and how to tighten it. We also took turns doing an on camera interview.

As soon as I sat down for mine I knew I was doomed. The first question asked was one that I normally trip over, mostly because I have about 5 different answers for it. I didn't know which one to use and of course I went with the most awkward/hard to say in a concise way. It took me awhile to warm up to the interview as well. While watching myself later was one of the more awkward things I've ever done, the room was filled with uber-supportive women. They all gave some fab feedback on how to strengthen my message.

I knew a lot of the things that were "taught" to us today, as did many of my classmates. The difference was going thru the activities together, getting & giving feedback, and of course having all of us with the same goal - get in the media more with better messages.

Tomorrow we have to tape a 30-second message...that will be then emailed to producers & others who are looking for media sources. *gulp*

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