3 Rs gave me an award!

....over 2 weeks ago!

But it doesn't diminish how great it felt to receive my first award for this blog. Thanks so much! Here's what Florinda said in her nomination:

Veronica brings her perspective as feminist, wife, mom, and Latina (in no particular order) to her blogging about issues of importance to women, and also works in book reviews and the occasional baseball-related post (go Cubbies!) every now and then.

And here are the rules for receiving the award:
  1. Put the logo on your blog (it's in this post, and has been added to the sidebar).
  2. Add a link to the person who awarded you (it's in this post - see above).
  3. Nominate at least seven other blogs (see below).
  4. Add links to those blogs on your blog (done in the nominations).
  5. Leave a message for your nominee on his or her blog
And the seven are....
  1. La Chola for always being a source of inspiration when it comes to blogging, being Latina, and being a kick ass mama.
  2. i am a butterfly for being brutally honest about life. When I need a no-bullshit moment, I go read her.
  3. baggage and bug for being one of the strongest women I know on-line or off. Being a Cubs fan does that to ya.
  4. Anti-Racist Parent for being a safe place for us to discuss race issues and parenthood.
  5. Womenstake for always getting the research out there for the rest of us to use.
  6. Bitch Blogs for always pushing my feminism to the next level.
  7. Ack!! I can't pick a 7th blog...too many! And if I even try to do more than 7, I'll be here all night. So I'll sleep on the 7th and notify the rest tomorrow.
    RedSoxBatGirl for starting to blog more often.

BTW - I quadruple checked to see if I had already blogged this, but it looks like I hadn't. I kept having this feeling of deja vu while writing. Maybe I dreamed it...Or maybe I didn't. Let me know.

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