Work it, Mom! Monday

Yes, even I am a pit Palin'd out, so this week my post at Work it, Mom! is about my burial plan. No, I don't give it all away, but I do want to chat about green burials.

As for the weekend, it was pretty relaxing meaning that I didn't get half of what I wanted done. There are at least 2 articles that are just lingering...thankfully one isn't time sensitive. The other will be tackled today! My daughter had her first soccer game on Sunday for the fall. She's have some issues with soccer...fodder for another post...but she did good.

The only tragedy of the weekend is that our doxie ate my Dell power adapter cord. WHILE I WAS USING IT! She's fine, don't worry...except that she's one more step closer to finding herself back in her foster home. She's just been totally freakin' lately. But I've ordered a new one and hopefully I'll have it in my grubby hands Tuesday.

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