Remembering Dewey

It's been 12 hours since I read the news, I never met Dewey in person, but my heart breaks each time I stop to remember that I lost a bloggy friend, as I like to call y'all, last week. Her husband posted to her blog this morning:

My wife was unwell and in a lot of pain; I don’t believe she ever discussed that side of her life here, and I’ve no desire to go against her boundaries, just know she was in a lot of pain. I am sad that my wife is no longer here, but she’s not in pain any more.

To say Dewey was prolific in her book reviews is an understatement. She had mad organization skills and a fab template for her book reviews that I was always tempted to steal. I was, still am, jealous of what appeared to be endless energy to read, blog, mother and be a wife. We don't have any insight on what took her from this world, but perhaps some of that reading & blogging happened when she didn't have energy or power to do much else.

She was caring and loved to spread the wealth. The last time I emailed with her she had poked me about reviewing a site that she was offered. She emailed the PR people to say she had others in mind.

Her death has reverberated around the book blogosphere and for all the reasons I state and much more.

My heart breaks not just for me, but for our community of book blogging/hording/loving nerds. I ache for the son and husband she leaves in this world. My heart breaks for Gwen, recalling her moving post about losing her mom 16 years ago.

A lot of people still don't get this blogging thing, but it is all about connecting to new people. Connecting in ways that weren't possible a generation ago. The loss of Dewey is a consequence of that connection. I'll never get to share a laugh with her in person, I'll never get to do that with most of you. But know that each of you who I read, comment & link to means a lot to me. I say that not to be over the top, but to be honest when I can. This isn't the first time that I've lost an online friend but it's been a long time since I've cried this hard over a loss like this.

Thanks Dewey. Thanks for being such an awesome leader in this crazy blog-eat-blog world and doing it with such grace. I'll miss you dearly.

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