Book Review: Slob Proof by Debbie Wiener

I am a slob.

When I was pitched Slob Proof! Real-life design Solutions by Debbie Wiener to review, I said YES! In my head lay plans to re-do the kid's closet, which is such a mess that it's pretty pathetic. A certain organizing store did send me plans, but I still need to actually go buy the materials and make it happen. I also have plans to turn my home office into more of a sitting room since most of my work happens at the kitchen table or on the couch since getting a laptop.

This book didn't give me the answers I was hoping BUT it did a hell of a lot more.

What Wiener does is answer a lot of the questions you think you should know already, but are afraid to ask such as:

  • What should I look for in a couch besides the color and comfy level?
  • I need to replace my lighting, what should I do?
  • How do I choose paint colors?
The next time I head to a DIY/decorating store or the home of cheap but cute furniture, I'm so bringing this book.

Now to get moving on the kid's closet. She has a lot of clothes & books that need a storing!

Get your decorating act together thru an indie bookseller or Powells.

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