Movie Review: Sunshine Cleaning

WARNING: This is a chick flick.

But the good kind! So dudes, forget what I just said.

This is a movie about relationships, mostly between sisters, but also between a dad and his girls, a mom and her son and between a missing mom and the girls she left behind.

It's a chick flick in the best sense of the term.

It's also a movie about we have for ourselves, ones we think others have for us and how we react to those.

It's hard to review this movie without giving too much away.

What I can say is that this movie made me laugh as much, if not more, than it made me cry.

The film was released in NY and LA two weeks ago then in San Diego; Phoenix; San Francisco; Seattle; Portland; Denver; Minneapolis; Chicago; Detroit; Washington, D.C; Boston; Philadelphia; Atlanta; Dallas; and Houston last weekend. It opens everywhere on March 27.

If you care about women-made movies (two women has leads, woman screenwriter and a woman director) then go see this movie. Hell, even if you don't but want to see a movie that doesn't blow everything up, go see Sunshine Cleaning.

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