My Mother's Day

Six years ago I was six months pregnant and marked Mother's Day by graduating with my masters degree and then jumping on a plane to see my dying mother. Since then I've "hated" Mother's Day. Cause seriously how do you celebrate a day when your own mom isn't around? Especially each one I mark with my daughter is one more that I don't have with my own.

This weekend that all changed.

My adorable and loving daughter went crazy for Mother's Day. She not only decorated a flower pot at school and made the requisite hand print card, but she also asked her daddy to go out for flowers. She picked out two cards for me at the store - one from her and one from the doxie that said "Mom...It's mother's day. Hot dog!" That totally cracked her up.

It wasn't the things that she gave me but rather how she presented them to me...with total joy and pride. It's hard to explain or describe, but I haven't felt that wave of love for motherhood in some time.

What I think I felt today was that turn I've needed to make for six years. Not so much to "get over" my mom's death as I've been told, but more of a moving on moment. And it feels fabulous.

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