Dr. Tiller

While I wrote something quickly for AWEARNESS on Dr. Tiller, I have purposely taken a few days to write something here.

I received the word over Twitter just as I was ready to take my daughter to see "Cinderella" with her BFF, J. I was floored, shocked, but not surprised. I think we all knew that Dr. Tiller had such a target on him that it would be a miracle if he was able to retire.

I'm not a grab your gun and take up arms kinda gal. But I am a grab your friend and use your voice kinda gal.

Many people have written about Dr. Tiller in the past week, but here are some of my suggestions:

  • RH Reality Check: They have a great Dr. Tiller round-up section full of news, opinion and whatever falls in the middle.
  • I am Dr. Tiller: In the same vein of "I'm not sorry" where women share their abortion stories comes a site where abortion providers are telling their story.
  • The George Tiller Memorial Abortion Fund: While almost every pro-choice organization has set up a memorial page for Dr. Tiller and asking for donations, I am highlighting the National Network of Abortion Fund's Tiller fund because the money will go directly to women in need of assistance. Don't read that as a diss to anyone, but rather a statement that at this moment, I want to do something for the women & girls who Dr. Tiller gave his life for. You can also donate to the Chicago Abortion Fund which is a member of NNAF, but serves the Chicago area. Yes, CAF gives money to women in the suburbs.
  • Medical Students for Choice: They don't have a blog, tweet or anything like that. But what they do do is craft a supportive community for medical students who want to learn to perform abortions. MS4C also advocates for medical schools to incorporate abortion training into the curriculum so that the training isn't something that is extra. Dr. Tiller was one of three people in this country willing to do late-term abortions, now we are down to two. We must support students who want to serve women.
Peace my sisters and brothers.

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