Girls just wanna have a nap!

I'm not one for all the LOLCats stuff, but me thinks I need one to describe today. Whooooweee!

The day started off by being named one of the top Latina/os to know in Chicago. Quite an honor, especially since I get to share it with the husband.

Then I had an op-ed published at on Sonia Sotomayor's decision to quit a women's group:

As a vocal feminist, my opinions are often antagonistically questioned at parties and backyard barbecues. What is it about wanting to support women and women's rights that makes others, especially men, so uncomfortable? I find myself asking this same question in light of U.S. Supreme Court justice nominee Sonia Sotomayor's recent decision to leave a women's networking club.

And then of course still dealing with the blow back from discussing that Palin supporters were in attendance at the NOW Conference and what that might mean for the organization and feminism itself.

All of this then gets me off of my very tight writing schedule. I have much more to say, but not here! Off to the Bitch blog...

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