woo-wee! Is this journalism or what!?

Dear Goddess has life been a whirlwind lately!

I need a better strategy on posting my Awearness posts over here. I think I'm going to try...try to post them on the same day over here instead of a list of posts. But until then, here's a list of posts!

Saturday I went to a community blogging meeting and it was, well, interesting. I say that not to say I didn't like it. I did. It made me think..a lot.

For one a lot of the conversation was about how to make money off our blogs. Which was a great thread for people who run more news-worthy blogs not personal blogs like mine. But at the Association for Women Journalist panel I spoke on last month, many in the crowd thought this blog was news worthy for my opinion pieces. So yes, I found myself smack dab in the middle of a "Big J" versus blogging versus just a website debate. And honestly I'm done with that conversation.

I'm done because I know that there are sites out there like Gapers Block which is about news. You don't come here to find out what's up in my neighborhood. But sometimes my opinion is framed by living in Chicago, by the news that happens around me and whether or not that is journalism or news isn't up to me. I say it's up to you.

It's funny that I feel like there are two forces pushing me to even consider making money off this blog - the phenomena of mommy blogging & all the free trips to Disney and journalists/community blogging. That said, I know that big mouthed feminists aren't the target audience for advertisers.

So here I am, giving you my opinion for free...well at least here. And for now. If you see me in real life, feel free to toss $10 in my pocket. ;-)

And yes, I know this was quite a rambly post! It's past midnight peeps! I need to get to bed. Night. xoxo

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