Toothpaste for Good - From Awearness

Originally posted at the AWEARNESS blog

I love Tom's of Maine toothpaste. It's environmentally responsible and it tastes good. Now, there is something more to love: their new community corporate sponsorship program. In their words, "Small differences in the community can make a large difference in the world, so we want to support and encourage your efforts to get involved! In November we'll award five 501c (3) nonprofit organizations with $20,000."

Many, many organizations submitted applications and Tom's of Maine whittled it down to 50 finalists. Now the heat is on! It's up to us to head on over and vote for up to five organizations who you think should get $20,000.
How exciting for a company to empower its customers and include them in its philanthropy. I really love voting competitions like this, and learning about all the amazing work being done. Now off to vote!

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