Women's History Month: Lt. Mom

Today's Women's History Tidbit:
1971: Sheryl Swoopes, the WNBA's Most Valuable Player and Defense Player of the Year in 2000, is born in Brownfield, TX.

As my fellow Illinoisans know, we've had one hell of a period of political drama. The one that I'm trying to keep track of us is the search for a Democrat Lieutenant Governor candidate or as I've started to call it "Who Wants to Be Lieutenant Governor?" The process has included accepting applications, a public poll (still on!) and now we're on to the interview round. For transparency sake, my friend Megan Drilling is currently in 3rd place in the poll. That means she is one of 17 people asked to interview for the position on Saturday in front of the state Democratic bosses.

I stumbled upon this video of one of the applicants, who sadly didn't move on to the next round.

I love, love that Rayne talks up her parenting as a strength and her social media skills.

We can talk all we want about how we would want a seasoned politician in this spot as Illinois is in a crisis. But hey, didn't seasoned politicians get us in this mess? Why not put a mom who knows how to Twitter in there? Either way, it's awesome to see Rayne in this video go after an elected office like this. Hopefully it won't be the last we hear of her.

I don't know why accepting applications is seen by the party as "transparency." The Mayor did it for three aldermanic vacancies he has to fill (he filled two last week) as well. But there doesn't seem to be  much follow up that would allow us to believe it is true transparency.

But good luck to Megan and the other candidates headed to Springfield this weekend! And let's get on with this election.

* Source: 2010 Women Who Dare Engagement Calendar from the Library of Congress 

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