Bowling for Abortions

Yup, I'm bowling for abortions folks!

My goal is to raise $500 and I'm at $410. Not too bad, eh?

I've been volunteering with the Chicago Abortion Fund since January 2006. I was drawn to them because the executive director is a woman of color. At that point in my life, it was very important for me to work with an organization being led by a woman of color. It matters...It really does. And what a difference it has made to my activism AND to my drive to fund raise.

I'm competitive. Plain and simple.

$500 is where I want to start all my fund raising efforts from now on. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far.

I know this is a national bowl-a-thon, so if you have already supported a bowler or are bowling yourself, you are exempt from this plea. BUT if you aren't bowling, I am asking you to please support the Chicago Abortion Fund today.

$10 will help pay for a public transit pass.

$30 is 10% of the average grant.

$100 is one-third of the average grant.

The women CAF assists are mostly low/no-income African-American women in their late teens to early 20s. But we get calls from the moms of young teens and calls from moms in their 30s for themselves. We get calls from rape survivors, women hoping to escape from a violent relationship and women just hoping to continue their education.

Your money makes a difference in a woman's life.

Rather support your local fund? No problem! Look at all the bowling events around the country.

And thank you.

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