Book Review: A Bad Day for Pretty by Sophie Littlefield

Stella looks like and usually acts like your run of the mill grandma. But she has a secret that is protected not by her, but also by the women she helps. Stella spent years in an abusive marriage and busted out of it in the most literal sense. Now she dedicates her life to busting other women out of abusive relationships.

A Bad Day for Pretty by Sophie Littlefield held my attention like no other mystery novel. Not only did I want to learn the conclusion of the murder mystery, but I also wanted to know more about Stella. I wish we all had a Stella in our lives and not just because she kicks ass. I want to share a beer with her.

This book was pitched to me as a feminist mystery novel and there are certainly a lot of feminist messages. What I loved even more was a debate between Stella and her partner-in-crime in training, Chrissy about which women deserve to be saved. There's even an awesome scene where Stella goes off on Working Mother magazine. But in the end, I'd say it is a sisterhood book. Tales of sisterhood. Sprinkled with murder, lust, love, broken hearts and fresh bread.

I give this book a big thumbs up! It was fun, smart and a quick read. Purchase a copy from an indie bookstore or and toss it in your beach bag.

Disclaimer: The only payment I received was the copy of the book.

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