Review: Bitch Magazine the Action Issue

Action Issue Cover
Originally uploaded by bitch_magazine
It never fails. When I see Bitch magazine on the floor in the pile of mail, I squeal. And rarely does the issue fail me.

I'm still getting use to the color thing and the yellow isn't helping, but hey, if that's the worst I can say about this issue...

First, Andi Zeisler in her letter to the editor addresses the "we don't need feminism" bullshit from Venus. Gotta say that I never got into Venus. I have friends who lived by it, but I'm a music dork. And not even Venus could make me cool.

There's an excellent interview with Heidi Durrow, author of The Girl Who Fell Out of the Sky on page 10. I read the few chapters in a book store and fell in love. I really need to get that book. There are awesome pieces on Italian TV and hip hop that acknowledges that us chicks have orgasms too.

But the all out best piece in this issue is a kick ass essay about the hot mom phenomena and how it needs to die.

My mom blogging/tweeting friends know that I say 'Hell Yes!' to this. I feel that women have enough pressure to look hot all the time, to be sexually available all the time and that for moms to also be that way? Fuck that. Correction, fuck the prescriptions that come from blogs, books and magazines about how I should behave, dress and look in order to be a MILF. I'm so tired of being made feel like I'm not sexy just because I don't do this or wear that. I feel that in order to feel sexy, you do what makes you feel sexy. Of course, I won't get a book deal from that line.

But there's more! There is also a great interview with Jen Sorensen about her comics. A look at priv-lit - literature/media that tells women that all they need is to spend a lot of money for their lives to be better. I don't usually read best sellers, so I totally missed the whole "Eat, Pray, Love" mania and after reading this article, I'm kinda happy! But also very curious about how one book could cause such a stir.  For the vocab focused of us is a mind scratching piece about the use or lack of use of the word lesbian.

And of course there are always some wonderful book, DVD & music reviews!

Bitch magazine is independent media. It is feminist media. And we need to support it. So please, if you aren't a subscriber, do it today!

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