Why don't Chicago museums love Chicago kids?
I'm pretty sure I've noticed this before, but it wasn't until a co-worker sent me a list of free days of Chicago museums that it dawned on me again. There are not many free days for Chicago Public School kids. The last day for CPS is not until this Friday, June 18th.
So why? Why would four of our biggest museums shut their doors to Chicago Public School kids? Their parents (myself included) pay taxes to support these institutions. Considering the budget cuts in CPS and the lack of field trips to these institutions, I would like to think that these museums would all be accessible to CPS kids during the summer time. In fact, I believe there should be CPS free days. Bring in your report card to prove you go to a CPS school and get in free.
That seems fair, right?
Until that time, take a look at the list of museums for the smaller ones who remember that they belong to a community.
- The Adler Planetarium doesn't have one free day between June 21st and September 6th. In fact they have a free day on the FIRST DAY for CPS. There is a free week two weeks before CPS lets out for the summer.
- The Field Museum has three free days during the CPS summer break. It also has three free days in June before CPS kids are off for the summer.
- The Museum of Science and Industry has one free day during CPS summer break. There is a free week two weeks before CPS lets out for the summer.
- The Shedd Aquarium has ZERO free days during CPS summer break. There is a free week the last week CPS is in session (this week!).
So why? Why would four of our biggest museums shut their doors to Chicago Public School kids? Their parents (myself included) pay taxes to support these institutions. Considering the budget cuts in CPS and the lack of field trips to these institutions, I would like to think that these museums would all be accessible to CPS kids during the summer time. In fact, I believe there should be CPS free days. Bring in your report card to prove you go to a CPS school and get in free.
That seems fair, right?
Until that time, take a look at the list of museums for the smaller ones who remember that they belong to a community.