It's my birthday!

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For the curious I'm 36 today and not feeling old at all. At least not because of any number.Rather today is an odd birthday. I've now spent half of my life as an adult. Whoa...I lived with my parents for 18 1/2 years and in July will finally be more Chicagoan than suburban (at least in terms of numbers). I'm still very suburban in many ways.

I was busy in the fall that this past week I've tried to enjoy my 2 weeks of vacation by hanging with the kid. That means no big birthday or New Year resolutions/goals to tell you all about. Last year my big goal was treating myself to a manicure or massage once a  month. I did pretty good until September/October. I've decided to try to take two classes this spring, so my goal for this year is to survive, mentally and physically, as well as maintain the love of my husband, daughter and friends. There will be a lot of work to do and I am going to do my best to remember to be a great wife, mother and friend.

That's it. Here's to 36!

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