Anti-Choice Bill Subjects Rape Survivors to IRS Audits
The anti-choice leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives is waging a War on Women, and the attacks keep getting more extreme.
Mother Jones is reporting that H.R.3, the dangerous "Stupak on Steroids" bill, could subject survivors of rape and incest who choose to terminate their pregnancies to audits by the Internal Revenue Service.
Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, which helped break this story, called the bill a callous assault on women's freedom and privacy:
This bill gets more outrageous and insulting by the day. Not only would a woman have to describe her sexual assault to the police, but she could then be forced to relive that horrifying experience with an agent from the IRS. The 221 members of Congress who signed their names to this egregious bill must explain to their constituents why they want to give the IRS authority to audit rape survivors.
Why, indeed?
It's yet another way these anti-choice politicians are pushing for more government intrusion in our personal, private lives--not less.