Join me for lunch with Donna Brazile!

Event Details:When: Thursday, May 19, 2011
Where: Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park
200 N. Columbus Drive, Chicago
Networking Reception: 11:00 a.m. - Noon
Luncheon & Program: Noon - 1:30 p.m.
I've attended one lunch and it was a great time.Which is one reason why I agreed to be on the host committee this year. It's a great event to catch up with some of the fab women of Chicago whom I only see at events like this, but also a great way to meet NEW fab friends. It is a bit pricey ($125) but the money goes to an amazing organization that works on issues around women in the workplace and getting women the training they need to move into better paying jobs. They don't focus on just issues about white collar work, but also issues that working class women are fighting for like paid sick days.
And since I'm on the host committee, I do have a goal for selling tickets. If you do purchase one, please let me know so I can get credit! Plus so I can look for you on the 19th.