New CFP and three reminders: Caribbean Women's Writing, Mothering & Neoliberalism, Histories of Motherhood, Economics of Mothering

NEW: Call for Submissions

Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an edited collection entitled:

Reading/Speaking/Writing the Mother Text: Essays on

Caribbean Women's Writing

Co-editors: Cristina Herrera and Paula SanmartĂ­n Publication Date: 2014

Deadline for abstracts: January 15, 2012!

Scholarly work on Caribbean women's literature has grown since the 1990's, and much of this research examines maternal themes, as the topic of motherhood is highly visible in written works by women of the Caribbean regions. While there are several book-length studies on Caribbean women's literature, and a limited number of them do focus on the subject of Caribbean mothers, many of these studies lack analyses of the Spanish Caribbean, and the subject of motherhood, when explored, is also presented in rather specific contexts. Therefore, this collection seeks to expand this previous scholarship by offering a more expansive view of motherhood that encompasses a wide variety of thematic concerns, as well as a broader geographical scope that places a stronger emphasis on the understudied (Afro)Spanish Caribbean writers. In addition, the collection will strive to recover and discover new (Afro)Caribbean voices, by including essays on writers whose works have received little or no critical attention. The editors seek article-length contributions in all areas of literature, including poetry, novels, short stories, drama, autobiography, and essays.

Articles may discuss (but are not limited to) the following topics:

*Comparative studies* Postcolonialism/Critical Race Studies* Afro-Caribbean women writers from the Spanish Caribbean, British Caribbean, French Caribbean, and the Dutch Caribbean* Matrilineal heritages and narratives* Maternal (her)stories* Maternal sexualities* Mothering and (im)migration, (im)migrant mothers and diaspora writing* Mother/daughter relationships* Grandmothers and "other mothers"* Mothering, home and the mother(land)* Maternal absence, maternal death* Abandonment, mother/daughter loss and gain* Madness, illness, the mad/ill mother and/or daughter* Maternal silences and mother tongues* Trauma, memory and mothering* Mothering and agency* Womanhood and motherhood* Revision and recovery of (m)other histories* Family narratives*Traditions of motherhood/mothering

Submission Guidelines:

Please submit abstracts of 250 words and include your 50 word bio and citizenship.

Deadline for Abstracts is January 15, 2012

Please send submissions and inquiries directly to Cristina Herrera and Paula Sanmartin:,


Demeter Press is seeking submissions for an edited collection on Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism

Editor: Melinda Vandenbeld Giles


The term "neoliberal" has come to define our current global age, yet definitive understandings of what "neoliberal" means remains a contested terrain. In the past three decades, neoliberal economic/social ideology has created a global world governed by free-market principles. The purpose of this edited collection is to explore the meanings and effects of neoliberalism from the perspective of "mothers." Arising from an inclusive and broad understanding of "mothering," the intent of the collection is to compile diverse works from an assortment of geographical areas and interests pertaining to mothering and neoliberalism. For the purposes of this volume, neoliberalism is to be understood as a social as well as political/economic ethos whereby the free-market focus has come to infiltrate all aspects of society. The collection will focus on ethnographic (research-based) and theoretical submissions.

Topics can include (but are not limited to):

Marginalized mothers, mothering and homelessness, mothering and the social welfare state, mothering and childcare, intensive mothering and neoliberalism, mothering and migration, transnational mothering, mothering and capitalism, mothering and maternity leave, mothering and employment, mothering and "working from home," mothering and individuation, mothering and neoliberal child-rearing practices, neoliberal representations of "mothering," single mothering, connections between neoliberalism, feminism and mothering, neoliberalism and re-conceptualizing the "nuclear family," eco-mothering, neoliberal policies and reproductive rights, mothering and the economy, mothering and collective political mobilization, mothering and finance, entrepreneurial mothers, mothering and neoliberal education, neoliberal reconfiguration of public/private dichotomy, mothering and neoliberal discourses of health, gender roles and neoliberalism, mothers as niche markets, mothering and urban living, neoliberal redefining of family/home spatialization, mothers and microcredit, mothering and poverty, mothering and media, mothering in the informal economy, mothering and governmentality, mothering and risk discourse, mothering and transnational spatiality, mothering and Marxism, mothering and NGOs, global neoliberal maternal health discourses, mothering and volunteerism, mothering and the global labour market, effects of privatization and decentralization on mothering, effects of neoliberal structural readjustment on mothering, neoliberalism and reconfigured kinship networks, mothering and globalization, neoliberalism and family law, mothering and social activism, mothering and alternative sustainable economic paradigms.

Submission guidelines:

Abstracts: 250 words. Please include a 50-word biography (with citizenship information.)

Deadline for abstracts is November 1, 2011

Please send submissions and inquiries directly to:

Melinda Vandenbeld Giles:

Accepted papers of 4000-5000 words (15-20 pages) will be due July 1, 2012, and should conform to American Anthropological Association style.


Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI)

Mothers and History: Histories of Motherhood

May 10-12, 2012, Toronto, ON, Canada

Deadline for abstracts: September 15th, 2011

We welcome submissions from scholars, students, artists, mothers and others who research in this area. Cross-cultural and comparative work is encouraged. We are open to a variety of types of submissions including academic papers from all disciplines and creative submissions.

This conference will explore the nature, status and experience of mothers and motherhood in various historical, cultural and literary contexts, and examine the many ways in which mothers in different historical periods have been affected by, viewed, and/or challenged contemporary cultural norms and dominant ideologies regarding their role.

Topics may include but are not restricted to:

Normative & disruptive discourses about mothers and motherhood in any historical period, including but not limited to the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment; the Victorian era; mothers/motherhood and early feminism(s); mothering bodies: mothers and childbirth/lactation and maternal health in any historical period; mothers & midwifery; mothers and education in any historical period; mothers and sons/daughters in any historical period; mothers of color, teen mothers, First Nation/aboriginal/Native American mothers, low-income mothers in any historical period; "good" and/or "bad" mothers in history; mothers and paid/unpaid work in history; mothers and infertility in history; adoptive motherhood/adoption in any historical period; wet-nursing, and surrogate motherhood in any historical period; transmitting maternal knowledges, creative expression and motherhood; patriarchal mothers/motherhood; mothers/motherhood and oral histories/family histories; motherhood and colonialism; mothering encounters across cultures; othermothering; state(s)/ nationalism/religion(s), and motherhood; mother love: transhistorical and/or historically determined; representations of mothers/mothering in art, literature, narrative, popular culture throughout history; maternal feminisms/mother movements/maternal activism in history; mothers and politics across history; famous mothers in history; immigrant/migrant/transnational mothers in history; mothers' changing relationship with "the experts" regarding birthing, infant care in the age of infectious diseases, baby books, birth control and eugenic sterilization, infertility, etc.; reproductive rights and wrongs, including rise of contraceptive technology alongside state-coerced sterilization; momism and mother blame with the rise of psychology; mothers and the state, especially welfare rights and wrongs ; maternalist political rhetoric in favor of suffrage, labor rights ; rise of intensive mothering; queer/transgendered mothers/mothering in a historical perspective ; mothering queer/transgendered children in a historical perspective ; mothering in the Information Age ; maternal associations/mothers' groups.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Patrizia Albanese, Ryerson University, author of Child Poverty in Canada

Kim Anderson, University of Guelph, author of Recognition of Being: Reconstructing Native Womanhood

Rima D. Apple, University of Wisconsin, author of Perfect Motherhood: Science and Childrearing in America

Susan Boyd, University of British Columbia, co-author of Reaction and Resistance: Feminism, Law, and Social Change

Fiona J. Green, University of Winnipeg, author of Practicing Feminist Mothering

D. Memee Lavell-Harvard, President, Ontario Native Women's Association (ONWA) and

Jeannette Corbiere Lavell, President, Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)

Lynn O'Brien Hallstein, Boston University, co-editor of Contemplating Maternity in the Era of Choice

Rebecca Jo Plant, University of California, San Diego, author of Mom: The Transformation of Motherhood in Modern America

Stephanie Shaw, Ohio State University, author of Grandmothers, Granny Women, and Old Aunts: Rethinking Slave Families and Communities in the Nineteenth-Century South

Wanda Thomas Bernard, Dalhousie University, co-author of Race and Well-Being: The Lives, Hopes and Activism of African Canadians

Shari Thurer, Boston University, author of The Myths of Motherhood

Lauri Umansky, Suffolk University, author of Impossible to Hold: Women and Culture in the 1960s

Jodi Vandenberg-Daves, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, author of Woman's "One Vocation": The Making of Modern Motherhood in the United States

If you are interested in being considered as a presenter, please send a 250 word abstract and a 50-word bio by September 15th, 2011 to



Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI)

The editorial board is seeking submissions for Vol. 3.1 of the Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (JMI) to be published in spring/summer 2012.

Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Mothering


The journal will explore the topic of Mothers and the Economy from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. We welcome submissions from scholars, students, activists, government agencies and workers, artists, mothers, and others who work or research in this area. Cross-cultural, historical and comparative work is encouraged. We also welcome creative reflections such as poetry, short stories, and artwork on the subject.

Topics can include (but are not limited to):

the economics of maintaining sustainable family systems; mothering, appropriate technology and economics; mothering and microcredit; mothering and economic activism; mothering and economic activism through the arts; mothering with reduced resources; social and economic supports for mothering; mothering within the neoliberal context; motherwork and valuation of motherwork, mothering and the economics of unpaid labour; mothers-as-providers, mother-led cooperatives; the effects of privatization/commodification on women; mothering and the economics of raising children with disabilities; the economics of maternal mortality rates; the "selling" of mothering and the economics of consumerism; consumption and the marketing of mothering; the economics of reproductive technologies and surrogacy; structural adjustment policies and mothering; the financial implications for mothers of family law reforms and welfare state developments, the economic impacts of environmental degradation on mothering; quantifications of mothering/caregiving/parenting as a part of the base structure of the economic productivity of society; children as economic assets/burdens; the actual value of domestic/unpaid labour; motherhood and the gender pay gap, mothering and the feminization of poverty; mothering, occupational segregation and the wage gap; the impacts of economic globalization on mothering and kinship networks; the envisioning and articulation of more human-centered economic systems and policies to enhance mothering/caregiving practices; transformations of male breadwinner-female caretaker models; the economics of caregiving/parenting in nontraditional households; mothering and the "new home economics"; mothering, feminist economics and social justice; mothering and welfare policies; mothering and health care costs; the commodification of domestic labour; global and transnational motherhood, transnational families in the new global economy; the economics of the second shift; global care chains; mothering/caregiving/parenting and economic justice, motherwork in organisations; mothers' economic transactions; mothers' labour paid and unpaid; mothers in enterprise and mothers in alternative enterprise; mothers and non-monetary economic flows; mothers in the workplace; homeschooling mothers; mothers as consumers; mothers and Marxism; mothers and neo-liberalism; mothers in a capitalist economy; mothers in a diverse economy; mothers and food economies; mother's milk and breastfeeding; the economic roles of mothers in undeveloped economies; the economic roles of mothers in non-Western cultures; mothering and economic subjectivity; mothers as alternative economic activists.


Articles should be 15-18 pages (3750 words) including references.

All should be in MLA style, WordPerfect or Word and IBM compatible.

Please see our style guide for complete details:



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