It's Back! Summer of Feminista 2012

La verdad, mujeres? This almost didn't happen. It's been a tough year for this feminista. I have another summer project in mind and was going to let this fall away quietly. Then I attended the Top Bloguera Retreat and one bloguera asked what this summer's theme would be. Then I received a tweet from another feminista. I looked up at the Goddess and said, "Ay, I hear you!" So here we are. Drum roll please!.....

The theme for this summer is simple. Election 2012.

Prompts to choose from:

a. As a feminist and/or Latina, what key issues are you following? What does President Obama or Gov. Mitt Romney have to do or say to earn your vote?

b. What are you doing to get Latinas registered and to the polls in November?

I know this is biased towards Latinas who can vote and I know there are many out there who cannot vote for many reasons. I want to hear from you too. Address this anyway you want: If you could vote, what you could say to those of us who can vote, anything.

I welcome contributions from all political points of view.

The How:: 

1) Sign up for a week.
2) The Monday of that week, email me your post and I'll post it sometime that week here.
3) If you want, you can repost on your blog, but it's not a requirement.
4) In fact, if you feel that you need to be anonymous, that's ok. Just select that option on the form.
5) Yes, I am asking for Latinas who identify as feminists, Chicana feminists, womanists, etc, to respond.

Now, andele! 

Need a refresher on what we talked about last year? Here's a wordle of Summer of Feminista 2011

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