CFP: Cinema and the Mother: Motherhood in Contemporary World Cinemas


Demeter Press
is seeking submissions for an edited collection
Cinema and the Mother: Motherhood in Contemporary World Cinemas
Editor: Dr. Asma Sayed  


Mother figure plays an essential role in cinema. Films have, by and large, presented a stereotypical role of a mother wherein she is hailed for her sacrifices and hated for having any personal desires. Representation of motherhood in world cinemas has either been framed within patriarchal norms or within nationalist discourses in which mother figure symbolizes the nation. Patriarchy glorifies motherhood, and cinema as an institution reflecting socio-cultural reality has tended to idealize motherhood; depending on the ethno-cultural paradigms, mother figure is presented either as angelic or demonic, thus prescribing a normative image. While cinema can and does impact the perceptions of its audiences, and thus has the power to make or break stereotypes, rarely have films experimented with the notion of motherhood; the resistant mother, although not unheard of, is a rare character.

This collection will provide an analysis of how motherhood has been represented in various filmic traditions. Papers dealing with any cultural tradition are welcome; however, preference may be given to non-Hollywood traditions. Understanding of motherhood both as an individual performance and as an institution has mostly been a post-1980s phenomenon; as such, the collection will focus on contemporary cinema.

Topics can also include (but are not limited to):
Close textual analysis of a film/films; analysis of depiction of motherhood in a particular filmic tradition - for example, Korean, Iranian, Indian, Greek, British, Canadian, Japanese, Chinese, Brazilian etc.; issues such as mise en scène, genre, cinematography, editing, etc. in light of portrayal of motherhood; angelic mothers, demonic mothers, sacrificial mothers, selfish mothers, resisting mothers, ideal mothers, etc.; cinema as mother; mother as cinema; and nation as mother, mother as nation - in cinema
 Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts: 300 words. Please include a 50-word biography 
(with citizenship information)

Deadline for abstracts is October 31, 2012
Please send submissions and inquiries directly to: 
Dr. Asma Sayed

Completed manuscripts not exceeding 20 pages will be due May 2013, 
and should conform to MLA guidelines.

Acceptance is contingent and will depend upon the strength and fit of the final piece. 

Demeter Press
140 Holland St. West, PO 13022
Bradford, ON L3Z 2Y5 Tel: (905) 775-9089

Disclosure: I am getting a complementary membership to MIRCI and subscription to the journal in return for posting these updates. It is, however, something I would have agreed to do for free because I think their work is so wonderful.

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