Music Review: Wise Girl

I always chuckle when I get a pitch to review music. I think I have a weird taste in music that often goes for the most commercial sounds, as I listen to more music on the radio than hitting clubs to discover something new and indie. Yet I also love rock music that is mostly guitar and screeching boys (see: The Offspring) and folk music (see: Dar Williams).

Which is why I rarely do music reviews. Anyone I do review means that they touched me in some way. For Wise Girl, they made me dance!

I was identified as a reviewer because in a guest blog post for Infectious Magazine, Abby admitted, "It is tough being a woman running the show, especially on the business side of things," and in an article for The Sound Alarm, she advised women to "love yourself for who you are no matter what shape or size, don’t listen to what the media says is standard." I especially loved her definition of "being one of the boys."

So crank up your speakers or plug in your ear buds, because it is Monday morning and we all need something peppy to dance to.

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