#365FeministSeflie Day 182 = HALF WAY POINT!

Today marks the half way point for this wacky idea called "#365FeministSelfie." I still think it was wacky for me to think I could get more than a handful of self-identified feminists to participate in a year-long selfie project. But OMG it happened!

Not only are we tackling our insecurities and worked on our self love, but as Abby says we have become:
a member of a group of women from so many different walks of life (varying in age, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, etc.) also posting selfies. In doing so, the project has gone way beyond self-acceptance and crossed over into community.
Cara (my accidental partner-in-crime) puts it this way:
I have been amazed and proud to see members look past all of our differences, to simply and truly SEE the women in the photos, and offer acceptance and support to every member. We tell each other all about our lives, our struggles, our successes, our secrets, our shame, our wildly happy moments. We reach out for advice and support and receive it with nothing but loving, kind intentions. All of these strangers, come together.
The only negative feedback I have received from this project are from people who just don't get it...or don't want to get it. People who do not believe that mostly women & women-identified persons (I've only seen a few men or man-identified persons participate) can take a photo of themselves every day and not 1) be narcissistic and/or 2) want the world to tell them how beautiful they are. To that I say, "Check out the hashtag." 

But what I am sure is the biggest shock for those not participating is the fact we have a community of mostly women who are not catty to each other, who do not respond to selfies that are actual cries for help with snark, but with compassion, and who have become friends despite ever meeting in person. I have never had to ignore a post because of hate.

This experience has been so powerful and we're only half way done. I seriously can't wait to see what the next six months bring us.

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