Review: Native Eyewear Sunglasses
Normally this time of the summer is when I've finally lost my new pair of sunglasses or perhaps the cute, but cheap pair, finally broke on me. However this summer I've been sporting a pair of Native Eyewear sun glasses. In fact I've been wearing a pair of their Roan glasses. I picked them out as they look like a pair I would get for myself and they fit me fabulously. They are new for 2014 and includes Native's new N3 lenses, they say they are the most innovative and advanced polarized lens on the market.
N3™ lenses:
• Pass Z87.1 impact resistance testing
• Feature up to 40 percent IR reduction
• Protect from all UV rays up to 400nm
• Offer state-of-the-art blue light filtering
I can definitely vouch for the blue light filtering. It's a give and take feature of the glasses. They really make the world crisper and in such a way that I sometimes even wear them in the one tunnel I drive in. Somehow these glasses block the sun that makes me squint, but without actually making the world dark. WEIRD!
If you have been following my #365FeministSelfie project, you've most likely spotted these glasses most of the year.
OK, I know the price tag on these babies is high. Normally I wouldn't even consider them myself because I sooo often lose my glasses. But I love these so much that I'm doing a better than average job at keeping track of them. *knock on wood* So if you want to invest in a great pair of glasses, I would suggest you looking into these babies. Let me know!
Disclaimer: I was offered this product for review at the start of the year and I've spent the last six months testing them out. Other than the product, nothing else was exchanged for this review.

• Pass Z87.1 impact resistance testing
• Feature up to 40 percent IR reduction
• Protect from all UV rays up to 400nm
• Offer state-of-the-art blue light filtering
I can definitely vouch for the blue light filtering. It's a give and take feature of the glasses. They really make the world crisper and in such a way that I sometimes even wear them in the one tunnel I drive in. Somehow these glasses block the sun that makes me squint, but without actually making the world dark. WEIRD!
If you have been following my #365FeministSelfie project, you've most likely spotted these glasses most of the year.
OK, I know the price tag on these babies is high. Normally I wouldn't even consider them myself because I sooo often lose my glasses. But I love these so much that I'm doing a better than average job at keeping track of them. *knock on wood* So if you want to invest in a great pair of glasses, I would suggest you looking into these babies. Let me know!
Disclaimer: I was offered this product for review at the start of the year and I've spent the last six months testing them out. Other than the product, nothing else was exchanged for this review.