How to change a tire
For some reason our last car attracted nails and screws like it was made from a magnet. We lost count of how much time and money we put into patching the tires and even a few times having to call a tow truck for help. One time we even got a flat on the tollway, which was not a happy moment at all. Now that Ella is closer to driving than not, we have definitely pondered how she will maneuver Chicago's streets behind the wheel. This was especially on our minds after touring Lane Tech and seeing their pretty awesome drivers ed course.
While I am focused on getting Ella to focus on where we are driving (street names, direction, etc) before we have to really seriously think about drivers ed, the idea of a flat is a big concern of mine. I wonder how much of it is related to her being a girl and that cars represent safety and protection. If she is out with friends, things move in a direction she's not interested in going, she can jump in the car and vamoose. And yes, I do plan to have her do a lot of vamoosing on the CTA as well.
I actually think it comes from the fact that I had a flat tire once in Chicago when I was 18. I could not remember all the steps to get the spare on, not to mention getting the lug nuts off was tough. So I relied on a very nice stranger dude who did the job for me. There was no harassment or anything bad about it, I just had to rely on the kindness of a stranger. That is one reason why I share this infographic as a quick reminder of all the steps. I do find it funny that the women get more "appropriately" dressed as the infographic goes along. But the reality is that Murphy's Law states we will be in stilettos on the day we get a flat.Well not me cause I don't wear 'em, but if you do, you know it'll happen then. Anywho, so here is a cute guide to changing a tire. And guys, I know some of you need this too.

Image via Every Car Listed.
While I am focused on getting Ella to focus on where we are driving (street names, direction, etc) before we have to really seriously think about drivers ed, the idea of a flat is a big concern of mine. I wonder how much of it is related to her being a girl and that cars represent safety and protection. If she is out with friends, things move in a direction she's not interested in going, she can jump in the car and vamoose. And yes, I do plan to have her do a lot of vamoosing on the CTA as well.
I actually think it comes from the fact that I had a flat tire once in Chicago when I was 18. I could not remember all the steps to get the spare on, not to mention getting the lug nuts off was tough. So I relied on a very nice stranger dude who did the job for me. There was no harassment or anything bad about it, I just had to rely on the kindness of a stranger. That is one reason why I share this infographic as a quick reminder of all the steps. I do find it funny that the women get more "appropriately" dressed as the infographic goes along. But the reality is that Murphy's Law states we will be in stilettos on the day we get a flat.Well not me cause I don't wear 'em, but if you do, you know it'll happen then. Anywho, so here is a cute guide to changing a tire. And guys, I know some of you need this too.

Image via Every Car Listed.