Checking in on Supergirl

Super spoilers!
After three episodes of "Supergirl" I am still waiting for Kara to reach her full potential. As I mentioned in my review after the first episode I would hope that the writers would get past the fact she is a woman by now. But no. Three full episodes full of Kara complaining that villains snark about her being a "girl," the endless comparisons to Superman (ok, kinda expected) and almost everyone waiting for her to call Superman for help.

And of course he does swoop in to save her. Why? Because James freakin' Olsen thinks that she can't handle a villain that once kicked Clark's butt. All this to set up Kara kicking said villain's butt herself and giving Superman a chance to chat, "I guess this was a job for Supergirl!" I see what you did there, Clark!

While I totally get that Supergirl is going to be compared to Superman, I think three episodes of her blunting fighting against this theme is a bit much. Considering that the show continues to drop in ratings perhaps a move away from this theme might help retain viewers. I don't think that CBS is going to pull the plug so quickly, but let's not give them a chance to even consider it. Maybe just let her be a superhero?

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