National NOW Conference

It's really, really weird to not be at the NOW conference this year. I started going to them in 2004, so it's not like I'm a veteran who has been going for decades...but still. I always look forward to them as I get to see friends whom I usually only get to see once a year.

One of them is BAC from Yikes! I'm sure that BAC will do a good job at keeping us all informed on what's going on over there. BAC has already covered the Intrepid awards as well as a keynote. I did get to see a bit of the awards on CBS 2 this morning because Katie Couric (the woman is everywhere!) was a recipient. Alas, it didn't make the video catalog.

The conference is in Maryland, so if you're available on Saturday, head on over!

Art by Ray Caspio. Read more about the 2008 conference theme.

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